Sprinkles Global Health Initiative
Advocacy & Partnership Facilitation
Our primary goal in advocacy is to create awareness on malnutrition and encourage the application of results from our clinical and implementation research. SGHI staff regularly attend national and international meetings, and consult with governments, UN agencies, large NGOs and the private sector to discuss how Sprinkles should be used, distributed and scaled-up. SGHI is now seen as an expert organization for technical advice and research pertaining to all issues related to micronutrients and malnutrition in children. Our continued role in these advocacy activities is vital in allowing us to achieve our goal of improving the lives of children and their mothers globally.

SGHI also facilitates the development of partnerships between organizations in both the public and private sectors for the development and implementation of nutritional interventions, like Sprinkles programs.

Millenium Development Goals for 2015:
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty;
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality;
Goal 5: Improve maternal health.


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� Sprinkles Global Health Initiative